Review of Baseball Goes West

Mitchell, Lincoln A. Baseball Goes West: The Dodgers, the Giants, and the Shaping of the Major Leagues. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2018. 8 b/w photographs, 10 tables, acknowledgements, chapter notes, index. Pp. 264. $39.95 softcover. Reviewed by Michael T. Wood Lincoln A. Mitchell, a political science faculty member and research scholar at Columbia…

Review of Breaking Barriers

Stark, Douglas. Breaking Barriers: A History of Integration in Professional Basketball. Lanham, MD. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. Notes, bibliography, index. Reviewed by Murry Nelson This is a book that sounds better than it really is and that was a disappointment since Stark is a good writer with a background of curation at the Naismith Basketball…

Review of Our Bums

Krell, David.  Forward by Branch Rickey III. Our Bums: The Brooklyn Dodgers in History, Memory, and Popular Culture.  Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015.   Pp. 240.  Notes, References, Index.  $29.95 softcover.  Reviewed by Rich Loosbrock Baseball and nostalgia go hand in hand.  Mentions of baseball in popular culture, be it movies, documentaries, biographies, or memoirs, are bathed…