College Football Safety: An Annotated Op-Ed

By Andrew McGregor Today I published a piece in the Washington Post’s Made by History section considering issues related to college football and how past reforms only temporarily addressed concerns about the sport’s safety. While I rely on some of my own research to make my argument, I mention a few developments in the history…

Review of Fumbled Call

Sumner, David E. Fumbled Call: The Bear Bryant-Wally Butts Football Scandal That Split the Supreme Court and Changed American Libel Law. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018. 11 b/w photographs, acknowledgments, four appendices, chapter notes, bibliography, index. Pp. 234. $35.00 softcover. Reviewed by Michael T. Wood In Fumbled Call, David E. Sumner recounts the events surrounding the…

Review of Alou: My Baseball Journey

Alou, Felipe, and Peter Kerasotis. Alou: My Baseball Journey. Forward by Pedro Martinez. Pp 336, 35 photographs, 1 illustration, and 1 index. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018. $29.95 hardcover. A few years ago, a popular brand of beer (associated with one of the Major League clubs) ran a commercial that demonstrated the dramatic demographic…

Review of Replays, Rivalries and Rumbles: The Most Iconic Moments In American Sports

Gietschier, Steven, ed. Replays, Rivalries and Rumbles: The Most Iconic Moments In American Sports. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2017. Pp. 205, Index. $95.00 hardcover, $17.96 e-book. Reviewed by Brett L. Abrams How appropriate during the year that Major League Baseball brought its All-Star Game to Washington, D.C., that a resident of the nation’s…

Sport and Society – The Dangerous Twitter-verse

Editor’s Note: “Sport in American History” is excited to cross-post Richard C. Crepeau’s “Sport and Society” column. This post was originally published on August 3, 2018. A full archive of his Crepeau’s columns can be found by clicking here. Over the past few weeks, the tweets of three major league baseball players have made headlines. All three players wrote…

Review of The Age of Ruth and Landis

Surdam, David George, and Michael J. Haupert. The Age of Ruth and Landis: The Economics of Baseball during the Roaring Twenties. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2018. Pp. 405. Epilogue, appendixes, notes, tables and bibliography. $45 hardback. Reviewed by Bob D’Angelo At first blush, it seems easy to define what influenced major league baseball during…

Sport and Society – Social Unity and Sport

Editor’s Note: “Sport in American History” is excited to cross-post Richard C. Crepeau’s “Sport and Society” column. This post was originally published on July 22, 2018. A full archive of his Crepeau’s columns can be found by clicking here. When France won the World Cup last week, the celebrations across that county were massive. In every town and city,…