Review of Le Football dans Paris et ses banlieues

Sorez, Julien. Le Football dans Paris et ses banlieues : un sport devenu spectacle. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2013. 410 pages. Notes, index, illustrations, appendices. 22 euros. Print. Reviewed by Peter Marquis In, Le Football dans Paris et ses banlieues, an historical exploration of the development of soccer in Paris and its suburbs (in French “les…

Sport and Society – The World Cup

Editor’s Note: “Sport in American History” is excited to cross-post Richard C. Crepeau’s “Sport and Society” column. This post was originally published on July 14, 2018. A full archive of his Crepeau’s columns can be found by clicking here. It has been a month since the start of the World Cup. When a champion is determined on Sunday, over…

A Life in Service to Country and Football: Barney Gill and Cold War Military Football (Part Five) – Promoting Football in France, and Life After Football

Editor’s Note: This is part final post of a five part biographical series on Barney Gill by Russ Crawford. He first encountered Barney Gill while researching his book on American football in France. Gill’s story didn’t make it into the book and was too good not to share. Click here to read parts one, two, three, and…

A Life in Service to Country and Football: Barney Gill and Cold War Military Football (Part Four) – Coaching “Over There”

Editor’s Note: This is part four of a five part biographical series on Barney Gill by Russ Crawford. He first encountered Barney Gill while researching his book on American football in France. Gill’s story didn’t make it into the book and was too good not to share. Click here to read parts one, two, and three. Check…

Review of Le Football

Crawford, Russ.  Le Football: A History of American Football in France. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2016. Pp. 366. 25 illustrations, 18 tables, endnotes, bibliography, index. $39.50 hardcover. Reviewed by John E. Price That football is a quintessentially American game is axiomatic, even tautological, to many.  Sports reporters and commentators have opined for decades on…

Review of Selling the Yellow Jersey

Eric Reed, Selling the Yellow Jersey: The Tour de France in the Global Era. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2015. Pp. 251. Notes, index, 19 halftones, 1 map, and 3 tables. $45.00 hardback. Reviewed by Cian Manning Eric Reed, an associate professor of history at Western Kentucky University, analyses how the French related to…

The “Sun of Austerlitz” Shone for the Molosses

By Russ Crawford After an indecisive first half in the Championship of the French National Challenge Féminin of American football, the persistent clouds and rain cleared and the big battalions began to assert their will, just as Napoleon’s columns had in 1805.  It was the Argocanes of Aix-en-Provence, rather than the Russians and Austrians, who…