Job Opportunity for Sport Historians

Dr. Johnny Smith has passed along the following job posting that may be an interest to sport historians, particularly those without a PhD. The job is with a company called Heritage Works. They are looking for someone trained in history or sport history to work as an archivist in the private sector for professional sports…

Call for Submissions: Top 10 Women Athletes

In 1999, ESPN’s SportCentury ranked the top North American athletes of the twentieth century. The list, compiled by a panel of 48 journalists, observers, and administrators–and one sport scholar–included eighty-nine men, eight women, and three horses. ESPN’s more recent compilation, The Undefeated’s 50 Greatest Black Athletes, asked the public to rank the most important black…

Call for Submissions: Top 10 Black Athletes

ESPN’s The Undefeated’s is in the process of unveiling their 50 Greatest Black Athletes. The rankings have inspired conversations across social media about black athletic excellence as well as the impact and historical significance of certain figures. As the debates unfold, we want to share our platform for sport historians (and others) to weigh in,…

NASSH 2017: Call for Summaries

This weekend, sport historians will flock to the campus of the California State University, Fullerton, in sunny southern California for the annual convention of the North American Society of Sport History (NASSH). For the last three years, the Sport in American History Blog has published a review of the conference (2014, 2015, and 2016), offering a glimpse…