Review of A Complete History of the Major League Baseball Playoffs – Volume 1

Thompson, Evan. A Complete History of the Major League Baseball Playoffs – Volume 1: Pre-Divisional Tiebreakers Through 1976. BookBaby (self-published). Pp. 460. $34.95 (paperback). Reviewed by Richard A. Macales  By the mid-1960s Major League Baseball was in trouble. BIG TROUBLE! Attendance had tanked. Batting statistics and runs scored––which fans generally prefer over great pitching––“hit” record…

The Green-and-Gold Tapestry on California’s East Bay: Memories of Major League Teams ‘Planted and Uprooted’ in Oakland, competed for attention and respect in shadow of San Francisco (Part II)

Sport in American History presents a two-part series on the beginning and end of Major League sports in Oakland. SAH reviews two books on the forgotten California Golden Seals and unforgettable Oakland A’s. Woven into the reviews––a look at the hockey Seals’ never-ending woes and the 50th anniversary of the Oakland A’s first World Series…

Sport and Society – Social Unity and Sport

Editor’s Note: “Sport in American History” is excited to cross-post Richard C. Crepeau’s “Sport and Society” column. This post was originally published on July 22, 2018. A full archive of his Crepeau’s columns can be found by clicking here. When France won the World Cup last week, the celebrations across that county were massive. In every town and city,…

2016 World Series Roundtable

Last week the Chicago Cubs won the World Series. Their victory inspired what’s been reported as the seventh largest gathering in human history in downtown Chicago. Millions of fans flocked to the streets to celebrate what has for generations been a mere fantasy. Millions more watched the World Series as its intense seven games served as a…