Scott Frost Is Here To Make Nebraska Great Again—And He’s Bringing a Controversial Coach With Him

By Paul Putz If you’re a member of the so-called liberal coastal elite, you probably don’t understand the power of Scott Frost in Nebraska right now. So let me try: imagine the excitement and euphoria you felt for Barack Obama’s election in 2008—then multiply that by whatever additional excitement you would have felt if it…

Amos Alonzo Stagg and Trump’s America

By Paul Emory Putz The resistance to Donald Trump’s vision of America is diverse. There are former CIA operatives, rogue government employees, the Merriam-Webster social media manager, woke babies, and millions of marching women. The world of athletics has gotten involved as well, with coaches like Greg Popovich and Steve Kerr speaking out. The most…

Review of Scoreless: Omaha Central, Creighton Prep, and Nebraska’s Greatest High School Football Game

Dechant, John. Scoreless: Omaha Central, Creighton Prep, and Nebraska’s Greatest High School Football Game. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2016. Pp. x+239. Illustrations, acknowledgments, bibliographic essay. $18.95 paperback. Reviewed by Paul Putz In the fall of 1960, nearly fifteen thousand people in Omaha, Nebraska, took in a high school football game between two undefeated…

Review of Christy Mathewson, The Christian Gentleman

Gaines, Bob. Christy Mathewson, The Christian Gentleman: How One Man’s Faith and Fastball Forever Changed Baseball. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. Pp. x+218. Illustrations, notes, appendices, works cited, and index. $38.00 hardback. Reviewed by Paul Putz Renowned for his pinpoint accuracy and his “fadeaway” pitch, Christy Mathewson’s baseball exploits are well known. He ended…